It freaking rocks my smelly socks!
Zac Efron's cute and Vanessa Anne Hudgens' hot!
They look super goood togetherr! WHEEE! : D
I swear after O's, I'm gonna get hooked on the
tv all day watching the movie over and over again!
Just really excited to blog cos I finally played with candles and sparkles, and carried lanterns! : D I can't recall when was the last time I did that, but if I'm not wrong, it should have been many years back - primary school days. I'm most probably gonna sound like I'm deprived of childhood or something, but it sure is fun playing with these once in a whilee : D Now, don't we all agree?
It was a pity that Nat and Lyds couldn't make it! But even with all the last minute changes and back-outs, things turned out more or less the way we wanted it! Though it would have been more fun if more were present, but nevertheless, I had fun! I'm sure the rest did! : D Playground, swings, tic tac toe, never ending sparkles, candles, TELETUBBIES lanterns, plus great company, how much more could I have asked for!
Admist all the fun, I've to get back to reality! O's are coming, and I really dont have much time left, so I seriously won't be online anymore til 20th Nov. I can resist! And I willl! : D And, I don't know whats wrong with me, but I've been thinking about so many people since last night, as early as 4 plus 5 in the morning - I couldnt get to sleep. Some people I thought of, won't mention all: Thought of people like Rachel, Guan, Deb, Mary, Ms Tan, Mr Tan etc. I miss them like hell, I miss playing bball and having trainings with them. Used to be seeing them every Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays for trainings, but now, everyones busy or away somewhere. Ms Tan's supposed to be back on the 26th of Nov, but it's been delayed til December ): And she's how freaking sweet! She remembers our Esplanade date, so when she's back, she's gonna drive us all to the esplanade to hang out til late again! : D Thats definitely something worth waiting for then!
As for lanterns, candles, sparkles etc, do hop onto Mel's blog for more pictures. I think I've been online long enough. Had to research on art, plus settle some stuff so I should get going! Bye, I'm off to study! And I'm finally turning up for lessons tmr : D For that, I think I deserve a pat on my back!
And I have to admit, Guan and rachel made my day this morning:
Guan: STACE I JUST WOKE UP AND GUESS WHAT? I DREAMT OF YOU! HAHA! (: .... do take much care ok, esp with the stupid haze...
Rachel: omgoshh stacey i miss you tooo! and all the fun we haddd! study hard yeah! its the last stretch already! all the way : D I LOVE YOUUU! =))
Even though Rachel went for hypeup autograph session and hugged Paul w/o me! ):

A momento of a wondeful treasured friendship : D
And I really mean, WONDERFUL!
I hoped you liked the gift, as much
I liked preparing it for you! : )
Before I go, my weird friend and her logic.
Friend: -pours coke on grass- WAHLAO the grass should be honoured la, which grass gets coke!
HAHA ok, 20th November.
For now, BYE.
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